We are excited to see you at the event! Keep your eye out for login instructions in your email. If you don’t receive an email we will be sending out a reminder before the event. Also feel free to reach out to us for any assitance getting logged in.
Attract Assist
A real estate transaction creates a great opportunity to try and attract the cooperating agent. With ATTRACT Assist, when you close a deal we mail marketing materials and create a branded recruiting website to encourage agents to join you at CanZell, all at no additional cost to you.
Company Ownership
Revenue Share
Thank you for showing our recent listing. As an Active Agent, now might be the best time to re-focus your career to see how it could grow to be even more successful this year. As our Branch Office license becomes ACTIVE, I will be joining Canzell Realty as the Managing Broker for the Greater Richmond area. At CanZell, you are not just an associate but an owner! Let’s talk about LOTS:
L=Leads to grow your career
O=Ownership-Stock awards and revenue sharing for all active agents
T=Technology to help you grow and manage your successful business!
S=Support- Live, local support from your Managing Broker, as well as Transaction coordination, and lead generation.
Why not call or text me today to discuss our $14k Commission Cap and 100% Plan?
How does this sound?
100% split with only a $14,000 Cap
Revenue Sharing – Obtainable by Typical Agent
Stock Awards – Ground Floor Opportunity
Leads Program – Quality Leads
No yearly fees and no monthly tech Fees
Local Broker In Charge
Local Team Leader
National Speakers & Training
Technology – KV Core | Core Listing Machine, Social & Present | Tons More
Do you want the Close-knit Feel & Support of a Local Firm?
Do you want the Technology, Revenue Sharing & Equity Awards of a National Firm?
Why choose when you can have both!
Click to watch video: https://vimeo.com/625454909
Also visit: https://joincanzell.com
Why work for a firm when you can be an owner in a firm? Get equity and revenue share while you are working your real esate deals.
Check out Canzell’s vision: https://vimeo.com/669974454
Hey have you heard about Canzell Realty? They offer SO MUCH including Leads, health insurance, stock, free coaching, and MORE! Interested in a convo? When’s a good time to connect tomorrow?
I just took a HUGE leap leaving the brokerage that I’ve been with for years to join CanZell Realty, and I wanted to share why!
The biggest draw for me was that I got to join with an 80/20 split, NO monthly fees, and an incredibly low cap of $14,000!
I was able to hit my cap and start receiving 100% of my commission and $4,000 back in ownership STOCK after only a handful of closings!
ALSO – commissions are processed the very same day!!!
At my last brokerage, we only had ONE broker overseeing every agent, so they were practically unreachable if I had any questions. CanZell has multiple in every state, and I’ve been able to hop on Zoom or text my local broker whenever necessary.
CanZell has also offered me so much technology for FREE that has helped me elevate my business in brand new ways – I’ve been able to utilize KC Core, Listhub, Sisu, marketing materials and soooooo much more AT NO COST! If I ever have technology issues or questions, admin help is only a phone call or message away and help me instantly!!
It is SO easy recruit and add to my passive income with revenue share since so many videos and tools are provided for free! I can simply text a friend a link and they can quickly see how great the company is for themselves!
Once they join, I receive up to 65% of the company dollar for each closing.
Check out this Revenue Share Calculator to see how much you could make just by bringing in agents!!
SO MANY AGENTS are not updating their google ads word page…and this video explains exactly what you need to do!!
OMGEEEEE , check out this really great video on how to get more leads with Google…FOR FREE
CICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO………….Trust me, You will thank me later!!
In case you were curious…..we would love you to join our team , OBVIOUSLY!! There’s a link below with a few videos if you wanted to check out what CanZell Realty has to offer. If you aren’t interested, no biggie, but if you know anyone else that may be interested in joining feel free to send them the link as well!
Here is the link……
We can do a quick call later to go over all this amazing information, when would be good for you?
Well here we are already into another Holiday Season! With the New Year fast approaching many of you are re-evaluating your business plan for the coming year. If you are currently a Broker and own your own Brokerage but you are thinking about making a change read further!
Are you looking to save money on your overhead?
Are you tired of trying to keep up with the latest technology and training?
Are your agents looking for solid leads that can truly produce results?
Are you looking for administrative support that could take your brokerage to the next level?
Are you looking to save $ on overhead but keep your brokerage name?
Are your agents looking for passive/residual income, stock ownership, and mentorship?
Or are you an agent wondering if there is a better way to do business……..
Run a Booming Brokerage:
Contact me to set up an apt via text, email, cell or calendly!!
For your viewing!
CanZell vs. Cloud Brokerages
Shorter all-access video:
Top Reasons for Joining (the money):
Passive Income Webinar:
I was wondering if you heard about The CanZell Revenue Share program that allows a HUGE opportunity to “retire” from selling real estate.
Also have you heard that you can work Part Time or Full Time for Canzell? There are no minimum sales required per year. You can work as much or as little as you want with no penalities.
I also EARN OWNERSHIP stock and I OWN PART OF THE COMPANY! We are going live on the Stock Market next year!! What an opportunity.
I can’t imagine being 70 years old and my phone ringing at 7:30 pm with a buyer that wants me to show them a house that night. I want to be sitting on the beach and enjoying my family!
This brokerage is everything I want ……AND Having an exit strategy in real estate. Most Real estate agents have NO RETIREMENT strategy at all!!!!
We provide you with the tools to suceed!! Top of the line technology, tools, training, support, leads, education, multiple lines of income available and stock! Low fee’s NO DESK FEE NO TECHNOLOGY FEE. Our only recurring fee monthly is $50 for E & O insurance!!!
Let’s set up a quick few minutes to talk this week. Text me now (NUMBER)
Sell More Real Estate, Keep More Money
Would you watch the videos on the home page please and download this brochure:
Can you watch the video and download the leadership guide
When can we set up a quick zoom call to see if you want to join our leadership team??
Quick question for you {{firstName}}…
Do you feel like you’ve hit a ceiling on your revenue growth? Maybe you’re working 12 hour days, you’ve maxed out how many homes you can sell by yourself, and maybe you don’t want to manage a team yet?
Here are 3 ways you can increase your revenue without extra work in your real estate business.
1. You need a Commission Cap
If you’re making $180,000 selling 12 homes and pay a 30% brokerage fee with no cap, you’re paying your brokerage around $54,000 every year.
If you sold the same amount of homes at Canzell, you would only pay $14,000 and be on a 100% split for the rest of your anniversary year.
2. Ownership Stock
Once you reach the $14,000 cap you get between $4,000-$10,000 in ownership stock back in the company.
With ownership stock, you are building wealth and investing in your business without doing any more work. It’s an incredible way to increase your income year after year.
3. Revenue share.
By just having conversations and inviting agents to come work with us, you can earn a percentage of the company dollar from their production once they join.
We also believe in giving. We give 10% of the company dollar to the charity of your clients choice on every transaction. We’re on a mission to give more back to the community than we ever have before!
Does that sound like it fits your value? If so let’s talk.
We want to do a free strategy call with you with one of our team members.
They’re going to help you identify problem areas in your business and see if our model might be a good fit for you.
You have nothing to lose.
Reply to this message “LETS TALK” and I will get in touch to schedule a quick call.
I would love to send you referrals back and forth! Do you happen to have a link tree by chance? If you don’t, you can look on mine. https://linktr.ee/chantelray
Here is a free tutorial on how to do it. Go to: joincanzell.com/linktree
Click on my link and I would LOVE to follow each other on social media!
Can you tell me which zip codes you cover and how much you usually charge for a referral fee.
Brokered by eXp in 50 states and 24 countries
We are excited to see you at the event! Keep your eye out for login instructions in your email. If you don’t receive an email we will be sending out a reminder before the event. Also feel free to reach out to us for any assitance getting logged in.
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