Everything You Need to Know
About Canzell Realty Revenue Share

Overview of Revenue Share

Canzell Realty Revenue Share is a huge passive income opportunity for real estate agents, brokers, and team leaders from all around the country to build streams of income while still being able to focus on earning commission from sales. 

Canzell’s cloud-based brokerage approach has minimal overhead compared to traditional brokerages and invests that money back into the agents. Since Canzell doesn’t have to pay for costly office bills or a bunch of corporate recruiters, the company is able to afford to pay the agents and brokers a portion of revenue generated from agent’s that they’ve sponsored. 

This provides so much opportunity for agents and brokers to build exponential wealth and generate multiple streams of revenue aside from just personal commissions. One of the best parts is that it’s paid monthly! Revenue Share is able to provide supplemental timely income to support the occasional roller coaster and unpredictability of a commission-based career. 

What is Revenue Share? 

Canzell Realty Revenue Share is a percentage of company funds that agents earn for attracting agents bringing revenue to the company. All agents are on an 80/20 split until capped. Once an agent closes on a deal, a percentage of the company’s 20% is paid to the agent that sponsored them. 

Revenue Share is paid by Canzell from the company percentage of the commission (company dollar). It’s paid out on every deal that the agent closes until they are capped, and the company dollar is no longer earned on that agent’s closings. 

Canzell Realty’s cap is $14,000 is commission paid to the company. This totals in $70,000 in total commissions. $70,000 x 20% = $14,000 paid to Canzell Realty. After that, the agent is at 100% commission for the rest of their anniversary year until the cap has reset. 

Why is Revenue Share Important? 

Exit Strategy 

The importance of Revenue Share for real estate agents is exponential. Agents work for their whole lives sometimes, and don’t have too much to show for it because their commissions are spent as they’re received, and income stops when they stop selling. 

Canzell is different in that way. An agent can continue to earn extra income through Revenue Share even when they decide to stop selling real estate. 

Unlike stock, there are no vesting requirements. There are also no minimum sales requirements for the sponsor. The only thing that an agent must do to continue receiving revenue share is have their license held at Canzell Realty. This is due to the legal requirement in most states that you must be licensed with the company for us to pay you based on a real estate closing. 

Multiple Income Streams 

Revenue Share allows Canzell agents to diversify their income. Agents and brokers can sometimes have months where they have no income at all because nothing has closed for them. Revenue Share can make those months much easier and provide additional income to smooth out the curves of income fluctuations. 

Who Can Earn Revenue Share? 

Any agent or broker that has an active license held by Canzell Realty can earn Revenue Share. It doesn’t matter how many homes you have sold or how long you’ve had your license. You can earn Revenue Share instantly! 

You can also earn Revenue Share from agents across the country. Canzell Realty is not a franchise or individually owned in other states meaning you can attract agents across the nation and then earn income on company funds from every closing. 

Revenue Share Model Comparisons 

Multiple real estate brokerages have additional income-earning opportunities but are different than Canzell Realty’s model. 

Keller Williams: Profit Share 

Profit Share is similar as it’s a paid 7-tiered system. The main difference is that profit is paid off the bottom line after the company’s expenses. This isn’t as profitable for the sponsor as payout is based on the company’s PROFIT rather than revenue brought in on the closing. This is not guaranteed monthly. 

Owning an Independent Brokerage 

Many brokers wonder why they would join Canzell Realty when they’re already earning income on sponsored agents. 

One major reason is for scalability. Canzell Realty is across the nation and would allow you to grow your business outside of one state. Your sponsored agents could then attract agents from all around the country. 

eXp Realty 

We are very similar to eXp, but the biggest differences are explained in this video: https://joincanzell.com/major-differences/ 

At Canzell Realty, agents don’t have to unlock levels 3 and 4. There is also always a live broker for support. 

Additionally, Canzell Realty offers 3 additional technologies for free and gives 10% of company dollar profit back to charity. 

Exit Realty 

Exit is a franchised business model where broker-owners grow an office locally. They only offer a 1 tier program, meaning agents are only earning income on those that they individually sponsored. 

Canzell offers multiple levels of Revenue Share and provides far more opportunities to earn income on agent attraction. 

How Revenue Share Works 

Take a look at the chart below showing how Canzell Realty’s Revenue Share Model works. 

My L1PA Agents: The total number of ACTIVE agents sponsored on your tier 1, husband-wife teams count as 1 spot. To be active, the agent must have done either 2 transactions or $5,000 in gross commission income in the last 6 months. (This is the number that goes towards unlocking tiers 4 and 5. Tiers 2 and 3 automatically are unlocked. 

How much can you earn on each agent each year? 

You can earn up to $9,100 on each agent downline each year! You will also receive a portion of the company dollar if any of those agents sponsor more agents. You will receive 10% of company dollar on Levels 2 and 3, and 10% on Level 4 and 5 once unlocked 

How do the levels work? 

When an agent is in your base one, depending on how many active agents you have under you, you will earn anywhere from 10% – 25% of the company dollar. If 

you have 1-4 active agents, you will get 10% of the company dollar on any deal they close. 

If you have between 5-25 active agents, you get 15% of the company dollar on any deal they close. And if you have 26+ active agents you have sponsored, you get 25% of the company dollar they have closed. 

That means if you have 26 active agents, and one of them closes a transaction that has a TGC of $15,000 – you will get (20% of $15,000 is $3000) 25% of $3000, or $750, just from that closing! 

How do you unlock Levels? 

Levels 1 – 3 are automatically unlocked. In order to unlock levels 4 and 5 you must first unlock Tier Diamond. 

Once you sponsor your first agent, you are part of Tier Silver. In Tier Silver, you will receive 10% of the company dollar for each of the Agent’s closings until they cap. This Level payout is applicable when you have between 1-4 producing agents within your sponsor. 

Once you have 5-25 producing agents in your Level 1, you are part of Tier Gold and your revenue share payout percentage increases to 15% of the company dollar on each transaction they close until they cap. 

Once you have 26+ producing agents in your Level 1, you are part of Tier Diamond and your revenue share payout percentage increases to 25% of the company dollar on each transaction they close until they cap. 

Canzell Realty Revenue Share Calculator 

If you would like to use the Canzell Realty Revenue Share calculator and plug in numbers to see your potential earnings, click this link: https://joincanzell.com/calculator/ 

Go ahead and put 10 agents in your Level 1 and 5 in your Level 2. You will see on the right that this would be almost $30,000 in additional income for the year just for attracting agents to the company! 

Add 26 or more agents to your Level 1 to unlock level 4 and 5 and check out the potential that brings. 

The Value of Residual Income 

The potential that Revenue Share has to provide agents with additional income really puts things into perspective as most agents don’t even have a retirement plan. It’s powerful to see how beneficial attracting just a few agents could be to you long term. 

Let’s assume that you attract 10 agents after 3-5 years and are earning $175,000 annually in residual income through Revenue Share. To provide the same level of income in retirement, you’d need $4,375,000 withdrawn at 4% and provide the same $175,000 annually. 

Realistically, what’s easier, personally attracting 10 agents who attract more agents to earn income on, or saving $4,000,000 to put into a retirement fund? 

Tracking your Revenue Share 

Canzell Realty is as transparent as can be with Revenue Share. Agents are able to log in to their portal and see real time exactly how much they have earned in Revenue Share through the month so far. Agents can also see how many agents they have attracted and what their production is. 

Agents will see their paid amount, as well as the pending amount for the next payout that updates as agents under them submit transactions.

Revenue Share Misconceptions

  • “Revenue Share is a pyramid scheme” 
  • The Revenue Share program is simply the form of compensation the company chooses to give back to the agents helping to grow the company. Canzell Realty cuts overhead costs savings and pays it to the agents, brokers and team leaders. 
  • Revenue Share is not distributed without sales, and it’s paid from the company funds – not the agents. 


Revenue Share is something we offer all agents who join our company. Our revenue share program is multi-level with no limit to the amount you can earn from building a ‘successful team’. We have revenue sharing payouts monthly based on the number of people you help bring to the company. 

Canzell Realty provides many resources to provide agents in attracting others to the company, and we have fun while doing it. Canzell’s model is made for the agent, to give back to agents as much as possible. It’s a one-of-a-kind form of income generation! 

Brokered by eXp in 50 states and 24 countries

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