We are excited to see you at the event! Keep your eye out for login instructions in your email. If you don’t receive an email we will be sending out a reminder before the event. Also feel free to reach out to us for any assitance getting logged in.
Leadership Interview Process
You set a Leadership interview! Follow these steps to make sure they get all of the info they need!
- Send the candidate and manager you set the interview for a calendar invite with the zoom link.
- Get on the zoom link 5 minutes before the appointment is supposed to happen
- Once the candidate is on, use the script below to welcome them.
- Start the everything need to know about CanZell Video - for them to watch (Click Here)
- Start the everything need to know about CanZell Video - for them to watch (Click Here)
- Text the Manager that you set the interview for to let them know the candidate is on the zoom and you are playing the video
Welcome Script:
Hi, this is NAME with CanZell Realty! Thank you for joining the call! NAME OF PERSON YOU SET THE INTERVIEW WITH is jumping on the call, so while they do, I want to ask you a few questions.
Show this video to start: https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/931047957
Based on their answer, play the following video second.
Are you a Broker or an agent?
*If Broker, play leadership video: “Great! I want to play this short video for you that explains a little about CanZell Realty and the leadership positions we have available.”
*Play Video: https://vimeo.com/722972598/106b7f5795 *
*If Agent, play agent video: “Great! I want to play this short video for you that explains a little about CanZell Realty and what we offer to our agents.”
*Play Video: https://vimeo.com/740859670
*If they are not licensed: “Great! I want to play this short video for you that explains a little about CanZell Realty and what we offer to our agents.”
*Play Video: https://vimeo.com/732217022/9fec9ad554
Once the video is done, tell them the next steps are to get their license. Once they get their license, they can contact you back for next steps.
*If they own a small brokerage: “Great! I want to play this short video for you that explains a little about CanZell Realty and how you can grow your brokerage with the unfranchise plan!”
*Play Video: https://vimeo.com/732217022/9fec9ad554