We are excited to see you at the event! Keep your eye out for login instructions in your email. If you don’t receive an email we will be sending out a reminder before the event. Also feel free to reach out to us for any assitance getting logged in.
As an administrative assistant your main priority is to jump in and assist! That may be helping create Facebook posts, or TikTok videos, maybe that’s setting up the toast bar for toast Tuesday or maybe calling agents to tell them about all the amazing things CanZell has to offer. Every day will be a little different, this job is perfect for someone who likes to train in a variety of departments, learn new things every day, and is a team player.
Florida | North Carolina | Virginia | Louisiana | Colorado | Tennessee | Illinois | New Jersey | Washington | Maryland | DC | Texas | Georgia | South Carolina | Montana | New York
CANZELL is a property of CR Global Holdings
We are excited to see you at the event! Keep your eye out for login instructions in your email. If you don’t receive an email we will be sending out a reminder before the event. Also feel free to reach out to us for any assitance getting logged in.
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