understand Zell2 (866) 370-5575

Don’t love your home the first 90-days? We have you covered! We will waive our commission if you decide you want to move in the first 90 days.

Easy Exit with No long-term contracts
If you are unhappy with our service, you can “Fire Me,” anytime.

Tired of not being able to get ahold of an agent when you need help? We have live agents available 7 days a week from 8 AM to 9 PM. This way, we never miss a call!

Do you love giving back to the community? I know we do! If you buy or sell with us, we will donate 10% of company dollar* to your choice of one of ten charities! Nothing comes out of the agent’s pocket.

*Company dollar is 10% of the profits the company receives after the agent and taxes have been paid.

Our Difference For Clients

  1. SELL your home for free if you don’t love it in the first 90 days.
  2. If you buy or sell with us, we’ll donate 10% of company dollar to the charity of your choice!
  3. Live agent from 8am – 9pm so your home will NEVER miss a showing call from a potential buyer
  4. Easy exit with no long-term contract
At Canzell Realty, you’re never stuck in a long-term contract.

One of people’s biggest fears is that they are going to be stuck in a contract for an agent for 6 months to a year and the agent is not going to do anything they say they are going to do. If we don’t do everything we say we will – Fire Us! Click here for more about our never stuck promise.

At Canzell Realty, your home will never miss a showing call.

We have a team of live agents in the office 8am – 9pm every day so you can get your questions answered and your home will never miss a showing call. And after hours, we have people answering phones late into the night so you’ll never speak to an answering machine. Click here for more about our live agents.

Love it or Leave it Guarantee.

If you don’t love the house that you purchase within the first 3 months, we will list it for free. Click here for more about love it or leave it guarantee.

We have a team of agents and staff.

It is hard to find someone who is good at everything, so we have compiled a team of agents who are doing what they are gifted at to give you the best experience.

We can buy your house for cash.

While we don’t recommend this option, because we can get you more money selling your home with our marketing plan, if you are in a bind, we can give you a cash offer on your home.


**Call (866) 370-5575 for more details on the 90 Day Guarantee.

Our Difference For Agents 

Grow your skill set and your earning potential with our rewarding leadership opportunities and four different revenue streams

Keep 100% of your commission when you reach our annual cap of $14,000 nationwide

$250 after your first closing

$250 when an agent you sponsor has their first closing

$4000 when you cap

Become and influencer & earn $10,000 back in rewards

We offer our agents affordable, quality healthcare choices. With access to local providers, Teladoc & a dedicated Concierge, you’ll never have to worry about the stress of finding affordable healthcare

Give Back! We donate 10% of our company dollar to one of the ten pre-approved charities of your client’s choice.

Leverage your time and talent with our Virtual Office Assistants who can help with your commission checks, quality control and more!

Automatically get marketing materials the minute your listing hits the market, from digital to print with one click of a button.

Receive referrals from our call center as they become available in your specified area and price point

Generate business with your industry leading, personalized website, managed through our transaction coordination software, and enjoy our custom, cutting edge technology. We also advertise your listings internationally! At no cost to you.

Brokered by eXp in 50 states and 24 countries

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